Can you imagine children thrilled on a regular school evening? I know it is hard but if they are learning at their own pace and preparing for a boat trip around the world, this is highly possible.

By Lyra Goga

Roberto and Kelly Pisano (of the previous article) will not be sailing the world alone. Their daughters, Esther and Elena Pisano, 17 and 14 years old, will join. As well as their dog Rico.

Sailing around the world and living on a boat is not exactly easy even if just adults are involved. However, when children are added to the equation, the situation gets even more complicated. This did not stop the Pisano family from embarking on this journey. The parents want to do this with the kids, for the kids.

Kelly believes the purpose of parenting is to make sure you put your children in a good environment. She says it is the responsibility of the parents to create happiness for the children. Roberto is keen on giving them a better education than the one regular schools can offer. He is certain that being stuck within a school system hinders the children’s creativity and individuality.

The father jokingly refers to the girls as the younger versions explaining that the four of them are in the same frequency regarding thoughts, feelings, and philosophy of life.

At first look, the two young girls seem more reserved than the parents. They smile nervously as if to take time to warm up for their story. Once they start speaking, they transform from innocent-looking children to old wise souls. Without a doubt, they are Kelly and Roberto’s younger versions.

Esther and Elena, while almost four years apart, resemble twins. They look alike and almost sound alike, with high-pitched voices that contrast with the surprising depth and weight of their thoughts. The two sisters not only have a strong similar appearance, but they also share a strong bond. While always together, the two are unique individuals on their own.

Elena, the youngest of the family, is fond of nature, singing, and being social. Happy about the trip, but not without regret, she acknowledges that she will truly miss her friends while away. At the same time, she is hopeful of meeting new people.

Esther, the older sister, was born in London and is more into technology, machine learning, crypto trading, as well as sports and parkour. She is perfecting her tech skills to work online in the future and financially support her family. Esther describes herself as particularly honest, energetic, and independent.

The Pisano family have far from a normal life but how do the sisters feel about it?

“It really feels like I am reborn now. To have the chance to learn who you are and learn what’s ahead of you and how you can live and connect with the world around you, especially with nature and everyone who is alive – it is exactly like being reborn,” states Esther in a passionate speech that looks that could go on forever.

“I think it’s an amazing opportunity to explore the world, especially for the children. I think you are not supposed to stay in one place because you have a whole world in front of you.” expresses Elena, grateful to have special experiences at such a young age.

For the girls to be able to follow this lifestyle, they have to be homeschooled. You cannot be on a boat around the world and inside a physical classroom at the same time. Only, while homeschooling is allowed in a great number of countries, it is strictly forbidden in the Netherlands. Kelly and Roberto have to fight for this right for the children, trying to prove to the education officials that the children are still learning, albeit in a different way.

It is sufficient to have a single conversation with the girls to be amazed at their level of critical thinking, understanding of life, explanation of different topics as well as their pure love of learning.

“In school, I had to do things in someone else’s way so I never knew what I liked. With online classes you learn in your own way, you make your own projects and you build the way toward your goals. Now I found my calmness within and I can grow toward a better version of myself.” Esther explains the benefits of online learning.

“I think this way you learn more than in school. So, there are online courses, a lot more choices, and a lot of new learning styles. You have to take responsibility for when to learn and how long to learn.” adds the fourteen-year-old Elena.

The girls appreciate the freedom of choosing their own schedule and being more independent in their education. The two are also learning about sailing and boats every day. They even help with whatever task they can regarding the trip.

The Es in their name could easily stand for excitement, as this emotion follows every second of their days. If skipping boat preparation was possible, the two would leave for sailing in a heartbeat.

Elena is thrilled to soon be learning through nature, and she distinguishes between navigating through stars and looking out for the wind. She compares the dull contact with these elements in the pages of a book at school, compared to her chance to live it. She is also looking forward to getting to know more about new cultures and learning things that otherwise you wouldn’t have if you were stuck in your country.

“We don’t learn how to walk but we learn to walk. We learn to consider all factors when doing something and not stick rigidly to just one possible way because there are also other possibilities,” explains Esther.

Being away from land and surrounded by the sea is especially calming for Elena. She appreciates being on the water because all her thoughts are gone. She enjoys watching the sunrise and the waves crushing. It is certainly an inspiring way to start the day.

Sailing is not always smooth as the sea can be unpredictable. Esther thinks back to a time sailing with her father when they were challenged by a strong wind. She had to firmly keep her ground so as not to be pushed off the boat. Her eyes light up as she narrates this frightening story, something she considers fun.

“This way of life is so good because you get different visions, different ways to look at the world and to draw yourself to these directions that you never thought. You can find yourself; you can be more yourself,” says Esther.

The girls go on into more detail about sailing. After a break from sailing, they explain the possibility of getting slightly seasick. In such cases, it is good to eat ginger or just lay on the ground so you can relax and adjust to the movements of the boat.

“There could be situations during the preparation process when I am not really calm but I try to think that things will work out. Maybe not the way you want but there will always be a solution,” says Elena.

Despite the possibility of seasickness and the challenges of preparation, the girls are generally positive about their journey. While most teenage children would not prefer to be stuck in a boat with their parents, this is not true for the Pisano girls. They are looking forward to being all together as a family, describing it as cozy. They find to be more connection within the family once sailing in a boat.

This might sound surprising to others who cannot imagine being on a boat of barely 10 meters with their family, with no way to escape. Like everyone else, the Pisano family also has the occasional arguments or disagreements. However, the four of them feel free to share their feelings. Being considerate of each other’s emotional state as well as having regular open conversations about it certainly helps to maintain harmony on the boat.

Similar to the parents, the daughters are willing to share their journey with others. They want to encourage other children to achieve their dreams.

“It could be hard because there are a lot of struggles, especially if you don’t have people to motivate you. But if you are ambitious and really want to achieve your dreams you should go for it. The only thing holding you back is yourself and if you don’t let yourself block you, I think you can always reach your dreams.” is Elena’s motivational speech.

Esther wishes she could meet everyone in person, believing that face-to-face interactions would make it easier to connect with people. She wants to help them envision their own dream life. Esther is a firm advocate of achieving anything in your own way because it is always your own perspective that truly matters.


As for their own dreams, both girls are especially leaning towards a life of sailing and seeing more of the world. Elena wishes to write songs during sailing and share her music with others. Esther is looking forward to doing parkour in every place they visit. The sisters are both so engaged with the joy of the present, that they do not look far ahead into the future. Their life is beautiful now and they want to enjoy every part of it.

Elena and Esther are fortunate to discover a whole new world at such a young age, and as a result, discover their true selves. Their parents paved the way and now the daughters confidently walk in it.

Childhood is the age with the most potential to be magical. What we often forget is that this magic does not come in itself. Adults have to work for it and create a beautiful world for children.

Esther and Elena could be going to sleep each night dreading the day to come. Instead, they are thrilled for another day of more learning, growing, and sailing. It all starts with a boat, and you can go on the quest of a lifetime…

Lyra Goga is a writer, independent teacher, and literary translator from Kosovo. She holds a BA in English Language and Literature, an MA in English Literature, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Literature. Lyra is the author of the blog Literarylyra, where she shares her literary insights and personal reflections.


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